Be an Air Bag

How to Replace one of Yours


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This photo shows the passenger side forward drive axle airbag, fender liner removed.

This is the lower mounting bar for the fender liner. Every bolt going into this bar broke. I am going to make a strap at each bolt location to go behind the mounting bar. and will two bolts, one above and one below the bar.

Check out the How To: Here

This is a shot of all the rear air bags. This makes it easy to see that with wheel removal every bag is easily accessed. No fancy tools required here. I used 3/4" open and box wrenches and socket wrenches on the mounting nuts, a 1 1/8 wrench on the nut at the air fitting for the drive and 1 1/2 on the air fitting nut on the tag. An 11/16 wrench worked to loosen the air fittings on the rear two bags and for the tee and compression nuts on the forward drive bag I used a 5/8" wrench on the compression nuts and to remove the tee, and a 3/4 to remove the 45 degree ell.


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